Who we are
Blessing Bags was founded in June 2015 by the then 18-year-old Laura, who saw people living on the streets of Melbourne on her commute to university. Laura was compelled to do something to help, so she started Blessing Bags based on the quote, "Now that I have seen, I am responsible".
Today, Blessing Bags is run by a team of committed volunteers who aim to make a difference. An independent not for profit organisation, we support and empower people currently experiencing homelessness and those at risk of experiencing homelessness.

Advocating for those experiencing homelessness
To see people experiencing homelessness treated with compassion while receiving the appropriate support, and for these individuals to have access to safe, affordable and secure housing.
To provide people experiencing homelessness with essential items that we often take for granted. We aim for a judgement-free approach to our work to ensure our services are accessible.
Blessing Bags provides donations to organisations who distribute the Blessing Bags to their clientele. Blessing Bags has donated to: